Sunday School
We have a range of classes every Sunday at 9:15 am
Find a class for you
Children’s classes
Classes are divided by age or grade. We have passionate teachers that want to teach young children about God.
- Toddlers to 2 years
- 3 to 4 years
- Pre-K to Kindergarten
- 1st to 3rd grade
- 4th to 6th grade
Young adult classes
Youth—A class for grades 7th to 12th. We encourage each other through fellowship and studying God’s Word.
College and young adults—A class for adults in their early to mid-20s. We focus on God’s Word and its relevance in our world today. We also strive to establish a fellowship who encourage one another during their time in Rolla.
Mixed adult classes
You Belong—A nontraditional, multi-generational group united by a common bond of loving Christ. Our relaxed atmosphere is a perfect introduction to our church.
Pairs & Spares—A class of varied individuals: married, single, with/without children/grandchildren. We attempt to see God’s truth and will as we examine His Word and support each other in the middle to late years of life.
Empty Nesters—A mixed class past the age of raising children (ages 50+). We study God’s Word and seek to grown in our relationship with Him.
CIA (Christians in Action)—A diverse and dynamic group of senior adults (ages 65+). We seek to continue in the will of God by studying His Word.
Men’s classes
Will-A-Bees—A group of men “young at heart” who are bound together by our love for Jesus and each other. We do a “round table” discussion with input from everyone as they feel led.
Women’s classes
Ladies’ Bible Studies—A fellowship of women in all stages of life. We study the Bible verse by verse to know God in a personal way through His Word.
Gleaners—A unique group of “seasoned” ladies (ages 60+). We glean truths from God’s Word and use those truths to encourage each other.