Children’s Ministries
Our AWANA ministry is for kids ages 2 to 12th grade on Wednesdays at 6:15 pm from September through May. This ministry emphasizes scripture memorization and a clear, age appropriate understanding of the Gospel message, presented in a fast-paced and fun-filled format. Everyone is welcome!
Salem Avenue Baptist Church Childcare has been an important ministry of our church since 2000. We provide Christ-centered care for kids ages 6 weeks to 12 years. Please contact them at childcare@sabchurch.org or 573.364.8230 for more information.
Children’s Church
Children’s Church is for kids ages 4 years to 4th grade and is held during Sunday morning worship. We teach real-life application of Jesus and introduce the children to worship, the Bible, and what it means to follow Christ.
Nursery is provided for kids 3 years and younger during Sunday morning worship, Wednesday equipping classes, and select events. We also have a private area for nursing mothers.